Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Home Again

Went to Berlin. Came back far too soon. I truly love it there and I am determined to find a way of living there one day. I want to take some German language lessons. Although most people over there can speak pretty good English and I could probably get by, I would not feel right not being able to speak the language. It strikes me as very lazy. I actually find it really embarrassing that so many other countries can all pretty much speak English and the majority of English people (including myself I have to say) cannot speak another language. Why should they accommodate us with things like English translations next to most signs etc when we make absolutely no effort to accommodate non English speaking people in England. But anyway.
Saw lots of really interesting art (as well as some true crap). I think the more art I see the more bullshit I think some of it actually is. But on the other hand the more I see the more work I like and the more I fall in love with it. Seeing good art makes me want to create something really great but it also intimidates me because I think I will never be good enough. I don't know, I confuse myself. Basically I need to get off my ass and DO something!!

Sculpture outside of Kunsthaus Tacheles. We look cool.
I will rotate this photo at some point when I can be bothered. Right now I am going to bed.
Peace out x

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